A publicity shot taken during filming of the original title sequence in 1977.
As Martin said, working on the show was "continual, constant frustration." This shot is probably one taken while filming 'The Purging of CI5'.
A rather silly publicity shoot for 'Blood Sports'.
It is well known that Martin and Lewis performed their own stunts on the show. Occasionally things did go wrong – in this case, Lew and Gordon's hair having caught fire. A shot from the set of 'The Purging of CI5'.
Publicity shot during filming of 'Not a Very Civil Civil Servant'.
Publicity shot from 'A Hiding to Nothing'
A publicity session for the first season, shot by famous photographer Lord Patrick Lichfield.
The boys try out their new toy, given to them by Uncle George. A scene from 'Hunter Hunted'
"Resistance is useless!". Actor and comedian Dave King takes on The Professionals during filming for 'Hijack'.
The lads enjoy a laugh during a filming break from 'Slush Fund'.
A CI5 security camera picked up this couple of joyriders taking an uncomfortable interest in this luxury limousine.
"Listen, matey, we're gonna get those repeats and you're not gonna stop us!" – All part of the act for this assignment in 'The Untouchables'.
"OK, Cowley, we've got her!" – In a desperate attempt to have their pay increased from a "dollar a day" (see 'The Purging of CI5') the lads take Cowley's mother hostage – not that she seems to mind too much! (This shot is actually from 'Fall Girl'.)
A scene from 'Need to Know'.
The boys stop off for a quick pose beside the legendary RS2000. Looks like this may have been taken on the set of 'Runner'.
"Are you two always like this?". A shot from the famous motorway chase scene in 'Hunter/Hunted'.
"We're CI5 and we haven't even told our mums we're out!". Reproduced by kind permission of Dave Lucas. Each original copy, which is A4-sized, costs 4GBP plus postage (call Dave on +44 01245 345780). The book Bodie is carrying is the Haynes workshop manual for the Capri!
Martin and Lew messing about on the set of 'Slush Fund'.
On the set of 'Spy Probe' – the final episode to be filmed.
The lads on a night out – no doubt off to "interview" Knock-Three-Times-For-Fifi....
... Several hours later and: "Tell you what, Ray, that Fifi bird's a bit of a goer, isn't she?! I'm knackered, mate!"
Having apparently killed Paul Coogan, Doyle is on 'The Rack'. (Image kindly supplied by Dave Horder)
A scene from 'Long Shot'. (Image kindly supplied by Dave Horder)
After narrowly escaping a "knee-capping" job, the lads turn tables and charge after Albie's men in 'Runner'. (Many thanks to Patty MacAngus for this colourised version.)
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble-gum." – Lewis Collins as Bodie, agent 3-7, during filming of the second season episode 'Blind Run'.
Bodie struggling to close the Capri's bonnet after its latest collision. An action shot from the second-season story 'A Stirring of Dust'
"Get lost, Doyley – she's mine now!" – Lew with Jill Baker during the 1980 story 'Hijack'.
Bodie and Murphy (the late Steve Alder) discuss tactics to catch the gunman who's barricaded himself inside the 'Foxhole on the Roof'.
"With these door mirrors, I can check how handsome I'm looking from every angle!" – Lew filming the fifth-season story 'The Untouchables'.
From 'Blackout'.
Lewis in an unusually relaxed mood – probably because this is from 'Spy Probe', the final episode.
A private shot taken on the set of 'Blind Run' at what was the South Lambeth Yard outside Battersea, also used for 'Operation Susie' and 'The Purging of CI5'. Now sadly demolished... Not surprised – given the state Bodie and his mates left it in! (Pic and info by kind courtesy of James Pimentel-Pinto and Tony Woof respectively.)
Bodie puts the new CI5 staff car through its paces. "Well that's the crumple zones safety-tested... " Another scene from 'Blind Run'
A pose from 'Hunter/Hunted', I think.
Bodie regards Marikka's body in 'Fall Girl'.
"You may be bigger than me, Bodie, but you're not tougher.... at least not when I've got this gun!"
Cowley tries to stop Temple (Maurice Denham) from destroying the incriminating documents in 'Not a Very Civil Civil Servant'.
"Och this damned leg! I thought I got rid of that bullet in the second season!" A bizarre publicity shot taken from 'Weekend in the Country'.
Martin Shaw as Ray Doyle, Agent 4-5.
Ready for action! A shot from 'No Stone'.
A shot from 'Lawson's Last Stand'. Has anybody ever seen this one in colour?
Doyle adding further subscribers to his Little Black Book?! Taken on the set of 'Hunter/Hunted'
More from 'Hunter/Hunted' – preparation for the pre-titles sequence.
Publicity shot from 'Not a Very Civil Civil Servant'
From 'A Hiding to Nothing'
"Firepower? Tell me about it!" A shot from 'It's Only a Beautiful Picture'
I'm told that this is one of the favourite pics of Martin amongst female fans. Can't see why, to be honest – I mean he hasn't bothered to dress up or comb his hair or anything... So, come on, what is it about this particular shot?